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Acoustic Design + Build

Need help with design and installation? Unsure where to find acoustical installers that will follow a carefully curated custom design? 


*Commercial projects only

Consultation / Site Visit 

After getting in touch with our team, we will set a time and date for a site visit to diagnose and identify all noise issues in the space. 


INC is not able to offer consultations for every project, we operate with a case by case basis. 



Design Phase 

Our team will go over every detail of the space, and come up with a custom plan with noise solutions. This phase takes around 1-3 weeks, depending on size and complexity. We offer both structural (interior and exterior) installations, as well as absorption design. 



After the client has approved the design and pricing, installation begins. Our trained acoustic installers make sure that everything is installed perfectly, under strict supervision. INC takes great measures to put out the best quality possible for all services. 

How it works

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